I can relate to so much of what you wrote. I got a DUI about 10 years ago, and I was actually grateful to the cop for stopping me because I was absolutely shitfaced. I had ZERO business driving, and I knew it before I got in the car. But I'd done it a hundred times before and had never had an issue, so I was due...actually long overdue. I don't know why it took a DUI for me to realize how incredibly lucky I'd been not to have ever killed someone or some people. I'd have friends offer to drive me home, but I never accepted their offers. Why? Because I was drunk and invincible. I actually sent that officer a Christmas card that year telling him that he not only saved my life that night, but he potentially saved hundreds of others by putting my drunk ass in jail. I have always prided myself on never having had an accident or a speeding ticket, and that streak's still in tact. Because even though he stopped me for speeding, of the only thing that nice officer charged me with was the DUI. That was the $3500 blessing I and scores of innocent motorists needed.